18 February, 2025

Regional Centre

Learner support through Regional Centres
  • Guidlines to Learners for Re-Registration in July, 2020
  • Promotion and publicity of IGNOU and its programmes.
  • Establishment of Study Centres and identification of staff and counselors for study centres.
  • Training of staff and counselors of study centres.
  • Arrange course material for the study centres.
  • Arrange student handbook and prospectus for sale at RC/ SCs.
  • Organize pre-admission counselling (information, advice and counselling).
  • Student registration/re-registration and related matters.
  • Confirmation of student registration and sending Identity Cards.
  • Forwarding of registration data to SRED/ MPDD for confirmation and dispatch of course material.
  • Collection of fees from learners, issue of fee receipts and depositing the fee into Bank accounts.
  • Plan/ organize induction meetings for newly enrolled learners.
  • Provide library facility for learners.
  • Organize seminars/ Conference/ Workshops.
  • Provide facilities for teleconferencing and television programmes.
  • Plan and organize Interactive Radio Counselling.
  • Monitoring of support services provided at its Centres.
  • Handling of BCA and MCA Project Synopsis and Project Reports and organization of viva-voce for learners.
  • Compile assignment markets/ grades/ Practical Exam marks/grades received from all centres of the Region and forwarded the same to SRED.
  • Organization of academic counselling and computer practicals for BCA, MCA & PGDLAN programmes.
  • Identify, plan and organize training programmes for the needy groups/ individuals in the region.
  • Identify, design and develop Regional Need-Based Programmes and delivery of the same.
  • Redress all grievances of learners received through E-mail, face-to-face and telephone related to viz. Registration/ programme/ Courses/ Study Centre/ Address/ Name/ Fee/ Bonafide Certificate/ Correction of Name/ Change of Address/ Change of SC/RC/Issue of NOC/ Migration Certificate/ Duplicate Hall Ticket/ Duplicate I-Card/ Status of Assignment marks/ grades and any other issue that pertains to them.